Physics Teaching and Didactics Meetings
Under the impetus of the SFP and SFO Teaching Commissions, the General Congress will host the second edition of the Rencontres Enseignement et Didactique de la Physique. The purpose of the REDP is to provide a forum for meeting and sharing ideas on physics teaching, at all levels and in all approaches and forms.
The aim is to strengthen exchanges, often all too rare, between physicists whose teaching activity is central, researchers in physics didactics and primary and secondary school teachers.
All aspects of physics teaching and didactics are welcome. Proposals from doctoral students in both physics and didactics are particularly welcome.
The meetings will feature papers, posters and workshops on all aspects of these two fields:
- Didactics of physics,
- Educational perspectives,
- Common epistemological obstacles in physics,
- Investigative approaches in physics,
- Pedagogical issues in the history of physics,
- Popularizing physics,
- Physics in primary and secondary schools, vocational training and higher education,
- Programs,
- Feedback, etc.
Four sessions are planned, the themes of which may evolve according to the proposals received:
- Teaching and didactics of physics in primary and secondary schools
- Teaching and didactics of physics in higher education
- Adapting the first year of the bachelor's degree to new baccalaureate holders
- Innovative schemes
If you wish to present an innovative experiment in the form of a workshop (provision of tables, electricity, etc.) during the poster sessions, please specify this format in your communication and indicate the technical constraints (darkness, etc.).
More details on the program soon.