Mini colloquiums abstract > Latest results from the LHC + Techniques for future accelerators (FCC) and physics at the FCCMini-colloque 24 – MC24
This mini-conference is dedicated to the latest results from experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's largest particle accelerator. Since its launch, the LHC has revolutionised our understanding of particle physics, most notably with the discovery of the Higgs boson. Today, with increasingly precise data, new analyses are exploring phenomena beyond the Standard Model, such as the search for new particles, the study of strong interactions and the exploration of asymmetries in the Universe. The first part of this mini-colloquium will provide an opportunity to take stock of recent discoveries, to discuss the technical and scientific challenges encountered, and to consider the next steps in unravelling the deepest mysteries of fundamental physics. The second part of this mini-colloquium will be devoted to cutting-edge techniques for the accelerators of the future.The FCC-hh (Future Circular Collider-hadron), currently under discussion in the ECFA (European Committee for Future Accelerators), represents a major new step for high-energy physics, aiming to explore collision energies far beyond those achieved by the LHC. This session will review recent advances in the design and performance of superconducting magnets, which are key elements in the realisation of this ambitious project. It will also be an opportunity to discuss the technical challenges ahead and to share the prospects for this future collider, which could pave the way for fundamental discoveries in particle physics. |
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