
Mini colloquiums abstract > MC12: Femtosecond dynamics: understanding and controlling molecular processes

Mini-colloque 12 – MC12

Dynamique femtoseconde : pour comprendre et contrôler les processus moléculaires
Division Physique Atomique et Moléculaire & Division Chimie-Physique
Pascale Changenet-Barret (LOB), Wutharath CHIN (ISMO), Lionel Poisson (ISMO), Olivier Soppera (UHA)


"Femtochemistry”, or femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy applied to molecular systems, has enabled a significant leap forward in the understanding and exploration of reaction dynamics processes. Electronic relaxation, via charge or energy transfer, drives chemical reactivity, conformational changes and other rapid processes that initiate slower dynamics with macroscopic effects in biological molecules, for example. These processes are also fundamental to the photo-conversion of energy, in which solar energy can be used to overcome reaction barriers to be converted into chemical energy. Information on chemical and conformational equilibria can also be obtained by studying ground-state processes, notably using coherent techniques. Thanks to studies of transient states with very short timescales, it is possible to identify the reaction pathway and thus disentangle the competing relaxation pathways.
This session aims to present the latest advances enabled by these techniques in a fundamental and more applied context.


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