
Mini colloquiums abstract > MC19: Nanodevices for the detection of biomolecules

Mini-colloque 19 – MC19

Nanodispositifs pour la détection de biomolécules
Division Physique & Vivant et Division Chimie-Physique
Shuwen Zeng (L2n-UTT), Yun Luo (LCBPT, CNRS & Uni. Paris Cité), Claire Mangeney (LCBPT, CNRS & Uni. Paris Cité)


Cells are extremely sensitive to mechanical and geometric constraints, as well as to the biochemical composition of their microenvironment. Cell behavior is directly linked to these factors via protein receptors sensitive to stiffness, capillarity (and elasto-capillarity) or hydrodynamic flow. There are many different ways of varying these environmental parameters in order to control cells on an individual scale, using different types of substrates and biomaterials, or different shaping processes. It is therefore possible, to guide cells, to modify their phenotype orto induce differentiation, in order to form complex tissues such as bone, blood vessels, skin or muscle. Biomaterials with high application potential include elastomers, hydrogels, foams and their 2D and 3D structuring. Alternatively, cellular self-organization via spheroids or organoids provides an additional dimension for studying the impact of the physical environment on cell fate.
In this minicolloquium, we aim to bring together the French community around biomaterials and their applications, to cover the latest advances in cellular and tissue engineering, as well as the development of innovative tools to characterize these new materials and their associated cellular behaviors.


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