
Mini colloquiums abstract > Active and Hybrid Plasmonics

Mini-colloque 4 – MC04

Plasmonique Active et Hybride
Division de la Matière Condensée & Division Chimie-Physique
Anne-Laure Baudrion & Renaud Bachelot (L2n, UTT/CNRS), Nordin Felidj (ITODYS, Paris Cité), Marc Lamy-de la Chapelle (IMMM, Le Mans)


Plasmonics is a field of research that exploits the interaction between light and metallic materials (in the form of thin layers or nanostructured materials), through the excitation of so-called localized surface plasmons resonances (at the particle scale) or propagative plasmons (at the interface between a metallic film and a dielectric medium). This effect is associated with an oscillation of surface charges, which is accompanied by a strong exaltation of the electric field near the surface. The main objective of this mini-symposium on Active and Hybrid Plasmonics is to bring together the Plasmonics community working on the association of Surface Plasmon resonances with molecules, emitters or devices that can be activated via light, electricity or heat. This vast field includes, for example (but not exclusively), surface amplified Raman spectroscopy, plasmon-assisted nanochemistry, and strong and weak couplings between metallic nanocavities and organic or inorganic quantum nano-emitters
This mini-symposium is resolutely interdisciplinary (transdisciplinary) bringing together in the same scientific community physicists, chemists and engineering scientists interested in both fundamental aspects and potential applications.
This mini-symposium will be organized within the framework of a partnership between the GDR "Active Plasmonics" and the UTT’s Graduate School NANO-PHOT.


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