
Mini colloquiums abstract > MC02: Soft matter and living systems

Mini-colloquium2 – MC02

Soft Matter and Living Systems
Division de la Matière Condensée & Division Physique & Vivant
Kheya Sengupta, Emmanuèle Helfer et Nicolas Levernier (CINaM, CNRS, Aix Marseille Université), Andrea Parmeggiani (L2C, CNRS, Université de Montpellier)


Soft Matter forms the structural basis of all living organisms. Examples include micro-organisms of colloidal size, cell membranes that delimit and often permeate living cells, semiflexible/ flexible polymers of the cytoskeleton/ extra-cellular matrix/ genetic material, phase-separated macromolecular complexes in the context of membraneless compartments and condensates, etc. Historically, concepts from soft matter physics have helped understand properties and functions of living systems and they continue to do so. Here we shall focus on recent progress in furthering our understanding of life processes using theoretical concepts as well as experimental techniques borrowed from soft matter. Non-exhaustive list of example topics includes studying cell function using cell-free biomimetic systems, concepts like rheology/viscoelasticity, phase separation and self-organisation to help explain cells/tissues mechanics & structure, emerging order with unusual symmetries, microbes that are living colloids,
phase transitions in and of cells and their aggregates. Scientists focusing on both fundamental theoretical/computational/ experimental aspects, as well as applications will be solicited


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