
June 30 - July 4, 2025

Université de Technologie de Troyes

Presentation of the 27th French Physical Society General Congress

An exceptional congress with the participation of three Nobel Prize winners!

The only one of its kind in France, every two years the General Congress of the French Physical Society offers an up-to-date, multidisciplinary overview of the latest advances in physics in all fields.

The week-long Congress program is structured around :

  • plenary lectures at the frontier of knowledge, covering many fields of physics and aimed at the entire community
  • parallel-session symposia, dealing with major advances in more specific fields of physics
  • round-table discussions on the major challenges facing physics, with exceptional guest speakers    
  • Science & Society” sessions, providing an opportunity to reflect and debate together on issues of societal interest (science education, women in physics, physics & business, energy & environment, etc.).

Two poster sessions, an industrial, a scientific culture and an arts & science exhibition will be held in parallel with the program, showcasing outreach activities aimed at the general public and schoolchildren. Attendees will also have access to the 'quantum village' proposed as part of the International Year of Quantum Physics and Related Technologies, declared by UNESCO for 2025.

The event attracts an average of 650 physicists, including 1/3 PhD and post-doctoral students



Discover the congress in images through a video presentation of the 150 years Congress of the French Physical Society in 2023


@ Contact

contact: cgsfp2025@sciencesconf.org

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